Monday, October 22, 2007

I hate swimming and swimming hates me


I had a crappy swim yesterday. Come to think of it, last weeks thursday swim was crap too. I go through these hate swimming phases ever so often. It'll pass, it's fine, it's just hard to keep going. Maybe I'll just swim twice this week to take a little break. I know Curtis will probably give me a hard time cause of this blog. He'll say somthing like but you're swimming so fast, forms looks good, blah blah blah. lol Well I still hate it, I don't get any faster, and somtimes I just hate it. Yesterday I quit after 1k, why? just because I felt like it. Then I went to the track and had a good run. Ran 5 miles with the last lap in each mile hard. The slow part at 8 min a mile(1 min lap). Then down to 40-42 min laps. It felt much better then the swim that's for sure. Anyways that's my rant for the day, I'll get through it, it's no biggie.


1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hey! I know how you feel. Sometimes you just don't feel good in the water. Chad put your IM pic up in the gym! Looks good.