Sunday, May 25, 2008

Soggy ride


Well today was a tough one. I had already swapped my sat. and sun. workouts giving mother nature to get the rain over with for Saturday so I could have a good long ride Sunday. /sigh it wasn't to be as she wasn't done with the rain. I suppose we need it and I shouldn't complain, but it's tough since the last weekend we were lathering on the sun block and riding in 30+ temps. I got up around noon, yes noon I sleep in most weekends and this weekend was no acception especially since it was raining out. I moped around the house for a couple hours wondering what to do. Do I set up the trainer? Or dress up and get my ass out the door. Either way I had to ride.

I'm not sure what finally did it for me, I kept thinking training/rain/trainer/rain/dayoff? Yes I even considered pulling the plug on my workout completely. My motivation level was low, but I kept thinking about it and decided to comprimise. I couldn't bare the thought of the trainer so I decided to take the road bike outside and ride as long as I could manage. I thought I could just stay on paths inside the city and turn back when I felt I'd had enough. I hoped for 2-3 hours and then I would be satisfied.

So after dressing up, making sure my road bike had a saddle(I had borrowed it for my tt bike since it's more comfortable) off I went. Down to the deerfoot crossing on the bike path. I was thinking hmmm this isn't too bad, sure I'll be soaked but I'm not cold YET, and no wind to speak of. Here's where I met a couple people walking their dogs, 3-4 of them. They come running up barking at me so I stop since I didn't want to wipe out on wet pavement. They didn't look that mean, but then one decides to bite me!!!!! I'm like WTF yelling at the owners to get their dogs on leashes if they can't be controlled. Anyways they were both appoligizing saying they couldn't get them back as I came up fairly quickly. They were especially worried when I mentioned that one had bit me. Seriously I absolutely love dogs, but it's the owners that worry me. Some should not be allowed to have them. They were nice and asked if I was ok, although it could have just been fear of me suing their asses. But what ever I shook it off and continued on. It didn't hurt that much and I was determined not to let it ruin my rainy ride.

The creek/river water levels were pretty high so I had to back track several times. I made it to the glenmore res creek and tryed to ride around but some lady stopped me saying it was flooded. I ask if she could get through and she said yes but the water was over her knees!!! Craziness, well I was with a road bike so I figured that was my cue to head home. My socks were soaked(no I hadn't put bags in the shoes like some bloggers had suggested) and I was getting cold in the mid section. It's not so much the water getting in there as much as water, then wind whipping through which made for a cold ride.

So as I'm near home, I'm riding down 36th st. from 17th ave and nearing a pretty major intersection. Out of no where a cyclist scoots over the road causing cars going both directions to slow down and even stop. He's not even wearing a helmet!!! I can't believe it, if I didn't know better I'd almost say he wanted to get hit. What an idiot!!! I've been super careful my whole ride, giving cars more room since there's all that water on the road. Cars can still stop pretty easily but I can't. Anyways it's a wonder this guy didn't get hit. I look up and to my amusement I see one of the cars that had to slow down was a cop. LOL This is like the first time in a long time I've seen one of these guys actually in the right place at the right time. You know what I mean, when ever you see somthing happen there's never a cop!!! Well This guy pulled the jay rider over, the cyclist has this look of bewilderment on his face like he had no clue what the cop wanted. Well I hope the cop can talk some sense into this guy before he kills himself with a move like that. I'm guessing he probably won't. :( Oh well, look on the bright side, maybe he has his organ donor card filled out. Hopefully they won't take his brain. LMAO Sorry I'm totally kidding and would never wish anyone to get hit. I hope buddy comes to his senses and BUYS A FREEKIN HELMET.

Oh well I made it home in one piece, I think I wore out my back tire pads as I had squeeze the brakes the whole way down the hills. Wooden foot bridges are bad too, superrrrr slippery. I walked across some of them. It's just not worth the risk.

So with my ride done with I thawed in a hot shower, didn't feel like going outside again for a run so I just went to the gym and ran on the treadmill there. I put some polysporin onto my doggy bites and called it a day. I hope everyone else managed to get some training somehow this weekend.



CurtisV said...

Hey Buddy,

I called at around 2:30 but you must have been on the road already. I moped around for a bit and ended up doing groceries and errands before I called you. Good for you getting in a workout...think I would have been nervous and twitchy in the rain with my lack of experience. Not good about the dog bite...aggressive dogs should never be off leash in public. Owners are supposed to be responsible for their dog's actions. You seem to have bad luck around dogs even though you are a dog lover. I ended up running in the afternoon and then doing a longish ride on the trainer this evening...just got off not long ago. The trainer was definitely not as fun as a ride with you outside is...the time passes so slow... Good job in making the best of the lousy'll only make you stronger!


Susi said...

yay! i'm not the only nutbar out riding in rain!!! now if i just had some waterproof gear...

good on ya for getting out there.

so you have a matching dog bite to go with your bee sting. damn! i forgot to post that pic on the blog. i'm starting to wonder if mother nature is trying to get your attention?! tee hee.

Leslie said...

Hey, kuodos for riding in the rain. We tried to and failed miserably! Maybe we'll be in for some sunshine this weekend :)

Jenna said...

Despite all the obstacles - you still got out. Glad to hear you are careful out there ...Have you bought stocks in Polysporin?

runningman said...

hmmmm I should be sponsored by them, with all the saddle sore prevention, bites and stings I would be a good promoter.

Anonymous said...

I draw the line at riding in the rain & running in -30 should have come out here.It was warm & sunny,around +24 or so.

Julie said...

What a miserable ride!! It's like when Kelsey had her four flats -- except worse. I can't believe you got bit by a dog!! Holy Crap! And you were on a bike -- that is so frigging weird, Darryl!!

I'm done with the rain -- we were so pampered to be out riding in Penticton that I'm sticking to my trainer until it's nice out again!

Love that term "jay rider" too! LOL!!