Wednesday, June 18, 2008


27 2:33:56 DARRYL Penner Calgary 10/37 Men 30-39 56 41 29:28 1:58 23 1:17:46 30.9 25 46:42 4:41


Julie said...

Congratulations on your race!!
Great race report too!

1. I think there is a trade off between receiving a visit from the poop fairy or the swimming fairy. You can be visited by one but not the other.LOL!

2. I've heard that wearing ear plugs helps with the dizziness -- a lot. A buddy of mine had to wear them because he had an ear infection and he noticed a big difference. I'm going to try it -- I have to sit down to put everything on otherwise, I'll keel over. LOL!

3. Did you notice that you smelled like lake after you drank lake water? The farts smell like the depths of the ocean ... LOL (You know I'm speaking from experience.)

Way to pull your race together and turn it around -- you had a solid race, and a superb run!!! Great job!

Jenna said...

LOL ...leave it to Julie to sum it all up.

I wanted to clarify that the poop fairy is NOT mine. It is not Jenna's poop fairy... otherwise she would visit ME and not all my friends. See how that works :)
I have molded ear plugs that i wear because I get chronic ear infections. I never really have an issue with being dizzy. Might want to try it!!
And I have nothing to say about lake smelling farts ...baaa haaa haa...

Great pictures and great race report. I too swallowed a big bunch of water once - or in haled it - and I did stop to clear myself out...that's ok - beats struggling to breath for 15 minutes....

runningman said...

LOL lake farts

Jenna I only label her YOUR poop fairy cause you gave her the name(I think at least), I get a chuckle out of it every time I hear it or use it. :P

runningman said...

oh and thanks for the ear plugs tip, I've heard that from a bunch of people I may give that a shot in GWN.