Thursday, April 22, 2010


I did hills yesterday. It was windy again. I think I'll just have to go ahead and expect wind every day I ride, that way when it is calm it'll be a pleasant surprise. Other than that it was beautiful out. I know we're supposed to be getting some rain in the next few days and I'll do my best not to complain, because so far the spring has been great for training!!

So I parked at the co-op just off of Crowchild(RockyRidge is closed so I can't park at the Church). It was a south wind, but I still seemed to get some tail wind on the way to Cochrane. Oh oh, I was hoping the wind wouldn't beagainst me for climbing. Great for some extra resistance right??? I did 4x Cochrane, good for my first real climbing day. I climbed the hill on monday, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because I forgot my hr monitor yesterday. This way I could predict my effort/heartrate. Anyways it ended up being a cross/head wind going up, so it def. made a difference and my times were slower than last year. But that's ok, I'm glad I got X4 in, or 40 minutes threshold as the Coach ordered. The third was my slowest and the last I def. put my greatest effort in although it wasn't the fastest either. All in all did ok. I feel I'm already getting stronger with the "outdoor riding". Cheers,



Shannon Wicks said...

Nice work are rocking it!

Julie said...

NICE!!! :) :)

i am Susan said...

Just catching up on your blog...happy belated...I can't believe that you think you are over-the-hill now.