Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wind/Dirt/Snow Storm

I went for a short spin this afternoon when this blew in. Holy crap I was by the Glenmore dog park when I got hit by a wind/dirt/snow storm(no I'm not kidding all 3 at once) I couldn't see 2 feet in front of me dirt mixed with snow and my road bike was nearly at a 45 degree angle with the cross wind. I honestly thought the wind was more like 80km per hour, but who knows exactly. Here's a pic of the weather report.

Maybe I'll do my long run later on the treadmill. :P


Keith said...

Glad you didn't get blown over. Being out in that stuff crosses the line for me.

Julie said...

SOOOOO glad I bailed on my plan to drive up to Calgary to get some hills in...UGH!

Anonymous said...

crazy weather!!!It is so up & down this time of year,only a couple more weeks to go Then we should have some good outside weather!!!

Kelly B. said...

They clocked the winds here at 80km/hour. My office is on the 9th floor and I swear my windows were going to blow in!! they made this weird creaking sound all day....freaky!!!