Friday, May 21, 2010

Penticton Day #2


Well another day in the books. I gotta take this time to thank Greg for putting up with this nasty roomie. I have been nothing but a bloated, gassy, nasty, not actually too stinky(good thing or he would have put me out on the street by now). My stomach just doesn't want to fully recover, it's really frustrating. I tried to go out for a run after the ride today, but my gut just wouldn't allow it and I had to stop or poop my shorts.... I stopped and walked.

K enough about that, lets start at the beginning. Today we got up and it was a much nicer day, still a bit cold. Arm warmer cold, but it was sunnyyyyyy Yayyyyyy. My sleep wasn't quite as speedy as my stomach was killing. So we got out a bit later to allow it to warm up, but we still needed arm warmers. Today we didn't do Green Mountain as we normally do. We climbed up the back side of Yellow, the IMC course backwards. The climb was good, legs felt good, my stomach was fine. The stomach was fine for most of the ride, it only gets bad when I eat solid food. So I stuck with the infinit while riding. So up yellow lake, good climb, felt good. Coming down the other side though we had a head wind and then my legs started getting sore. I'm guessing there is some fatigue from last weekend still? At least my energy was back. Stopped at The Bear fruit stand and kept going. At the rollers is about the time my legs officially expired. Trevor was ahead and I kept him in my sites but he was still gaining till the last roller. Then I seemed to get into a groove and start climbing better. I noticed he wasn't gaining anymore and looked to be dropping back so I put my head down and gaver. We hit Richter and I really pushed hard despite the dead legs to try and catch him. It took me right till the top to catch him. But then lost him on the descent. :P.

We stopped at the Husky as per the norm. Those of you that have done the camp will know the usual routes. It's almost becoming a normal thing for Darryl to get dropped on the way back from Osoyoos. I didn't want to disappoint anyone so of course I got dropped.... yet again. It was humbling, I know I'm stronger than this, but it just wasn't happening. So I did what I could, I wasn't the only one hurting so just kept going. Got back into Penticton, most went out for a transition run. I opted to wait and try to go for a bit of a longer run. I wanted to do an hour, so I waited, got some food in me and tried to go out. But as I mentioned earlier it didn't work so I walk/ran home. Had a good dinner with Greg, chicken/pasta and we're just chillen here a bit before bed.

Tomorrow we do a open water swim and climb Anarchist. Greg and I have been trash talking each other all year about this climb. It's all in fun and honestly I don't mind if he beats me, but I do wish for one thing. If the cycling Gods can grant me one wish, that would be to at least make it interesting. I want to keep pace and not get dropped before it starts type of thing. It would be awesome to be able to push each other and really have a good ride. I'm sure Trevor will be with us, if I'm even there? I just want to be able to keep up, please please Greg don't attack me till later in the climb!! Maybe I will tamper with his bike during the night??? ;) Fill his bike frame with quick drying cement?? hee hee j/k K, over and out blogger buddies!!!


1 comment:

goSonja said...

We are training for the same IM, from the same coach, and thus, I think we feel the same right now. If you need to commiserate, email me and I'll send you my number. I am sitting in a hotel ALONE, licking my wounds with my legs up against the wall and in compression tights, watching bike racing. You get my drift....

Hang on, better times are ahead!