Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Critter update


I was running yesterday and came upon a couple of people gathered pointing up.  I looked up into the trees and saw my buddies.  A couple of porcupines.  There was one bigger one and a lil guy.  Just perched up high in the trees, not moving at all.  I wonder if they were sleeping there all day???  They're supposed to be nocturnal.  So I hustled over to where Lisa was walking to get her over(she's never seen them before).  I just love those guys, I need to train one to run with me.  In other news, I'm not quite 100%.  My achilles is still fine, now it's my calves again that are tight.  So I guess I'll have to start stretching, self massaging and maybe even go for a massage or two to correct that.  Kinda disappointing, but at least it's happening now instead of during summer.  Love the warm temps we're getting, I hope it continues for a month or two.  :)   Over and out.



Julie said...

I read this book about Lewis and Clark's expedition with Sacajawea, and I remember this one part in it where they are trudging through a freezing cold winter and they are starving...

A porcupine froze to death and fell out of this tree and they ate it right then and there....

I have no idea why I am telling you this! LMAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

great post thanks