Monday, January 31, 2011

Goin down!!


I had an interesting, yet productive weekend of running. Last week it had melted so much that even the snowy trails would turn into ice by evening which is when I do most of my runs. Friday I went out and it was extra slick, lots of clear/black ice. What makes black ice even worse though is when there's a slight dusting of snow on top. You can't see the ice so you can't prepare yourself for the slippage. Also the dusting of snow makes it worse, it acts like a bit of flour on the bottom of your shoes. AS an example to start my run I walk down the steps to the sidewalk where I KNOW/KNEW there would be some ice under the snow. I knew it was there, I walked super slow over it expecting the slippery surface and guess what... I still went down!! I guess it was a slight downward slope? The good part was that I was going slow enough that I could easily get my hands ready and didn't even land hard on them. So I got up, dusted myself off, took a moment to look around made sure none of my neighbors weren't keeling over laughing so hard at me, then went for my run. It was super dangerous out there and I barely caught myself 3-4 times where my foot would land and keep moving as it lands on the slick ice.

Saturday there was just too much snow on the ground to attempt a long run. The hardcore ultra marathoner types would have toughed out the long run outdoors, I guess I'm just not up to par yet in that department. I wanted to make sure I get 3 hours/21 miles in though as this is 3 weeks out till the Frozen ass 50. I headed to the gym, where I knew I could get through it. Boring yes, but actually it's not as bad as you'd think. You just have to prepare yourself mentally for it, know you will be on the treadmill for a long time. The good part is I don't have to carry any nutrition, it all sits around me on the treadmill trays. I had 2 bottles of infinit, a bag and a half of gel chews and if the poop fairy insists on paying me a visit, well I got a warm comfy bathroom in the back of the gym where we can visit all she likes before I continue my run. On a side note, funny how you never need to pay her a visit when the option is there. That was my longest run ever on a treadmill, but to help kick it off I just so happened to catch the Xterra world championships in Maui. That race was soo amazing, so epic, yet I still have no desire to take triathlon to the dirt trails. I soooooo want to visit Maui again though, love that place!! Anyways I got through that and then flipped to watch some bob sledding, downhill sking, and 2 episodes of the simpsons to get me through the run. Finishing I felt sore but not too bad really.

I just don't know how I'll get through 125 km of mountain trails... I really don't. Maybe I should have stuck to marathon running this year till I can give Kona qualifying another go next year. I don't know, it just seems crazy, and not the usual crazy. Like insane!! This the first time I actually heard my mom try to talk me out of somthing. She's been very supportive about Marathons, triathlon, Ironmans, but this, nope this time she actually told me I should maybe stick to doing Ironmans. lol and if you met her you'd know why I'm so surprised, she's normally all about challenge, she's one tough lady!!

Sunday's run was fine, hardly even felt the long run from the day before. I emailed my friend Sonja who's coached by Chuckie. She's an amazing athlete that last year completed a 100 mile ultra, and did 3 Ironmans(including 2 Ironman qualifiers and the Hawaii Ironman, yes that's right she's already qualified for 2011). I ask her advice on ultra marathoning. You see I did this 21 miler 3 weeks before the frozen ass 50. I wasn't sure if I should chance another long run. Ideally it would be nice to get a 25-26 mile run in before the event, but I want to be sure I'm recovered. Her answer, do it with a big IF I'm completely injury free, no niggles, no pain. Which I am, and really it's more than 2 weeks the event is on monday, and I'll most likely do the long run saturday morning so I have 16 days to recover. Hopefully I can do the last long run outdoors. Later,



Dano said...

Darryl, yes the CDR is batSh&# crazy but I know you will kick its @$$. You truly inspire me to be a better athlete! Respect!

Anonymous said...

Cool running 3 hrs on the tm!!!I have yet to do this & honestly would rather not!Good for you, Cam.

Leslie said...

I have no idea how you made it for 3 hours on a frickin treadmill, I am lucky to make 30 min. I don't know how you do it. Good job. I went snowshoeing on the weekend instead of running and I only had a 90 min run to do :)

I also biffed it last week too! It was just me and Rexy so she was my only witness, I was sore for a couple of days after though!

Trevor Oseen said...

Glad I am not the only one with a 3hr treadmill...