Sunday, July 17, 2011

ahhhh multisport


I had a great weekend of training, not in terms of huge volumn or anything. But I'm just really enjoying the cycling and running, maybe I'll add swimming before the end of the year? Stay tuned... just don't hold your breath.

Friday evening I went out for a trot. I love being coached, but one thing about self coaching is I can totally do workouts as I please. If I feel good I run hard, if I don't I just trot it out. So after I'd been out there for 3-4 miles I stopped for a bit while I decided, tempo or not? There were these swarms of flies out along the river so this could be pretty tough, plus I had that nagging pressure in the lower half of my body. Running hard would just make that worse. So I stopped for a bit to let the pressure ease up a bit and decided to try. So I reset the watch and gaver down the gravel/dirt path. I started off along the bow just north of glenmore trail and headed south. Got onto the paved path maybe 2/3 of a mile further, ran to carburn park out and then ran back towards the park again to end a 3.1 mile jaunt or 5km whichever you prefer in a time of 20:03. Pretty good, although the 3 seconds are a little annoying, 19 somthing looks better. Oh well, I'll get faster.

Saturday I went out for a bike ride with Greg. It was a beautiful day and we headed out on springbank road and to Bragg creek. We didn't quite make it to Bragg, turned around at the round about. It was fun, my fitness isn't bad, but it still needs lots of work too. I rode my road bike and it sure made it tough coming up the last hill headed back into Calgary. Yikes that hill hurts, and with my road bike I run out of gears sooner than on my tt bike.

Today I went out for another bike ride. I had thought of doing a long run, but I had eaten some cheese earlier for lunch and I thought it might hurt me running. So I headed out on the road bike again. This time I rode south, then west through fish creek. Got up the hill in the far south western part of Calgary near Keith's house and then rode back. One thing I've noticed this year is my sweat is like wayyyyy saltier. I assume that's why I had the cramping problems in the marathon. I guess for my next long race I will have to take in extra salt. I hate being a heavy sweater, so annoying. So anyways with the tempo and two days with almost 4 hours riding total it was really a good weekend. I love the hotter weather, cheers all have a great week.


1 comment:

Keith said...

Should have dropped in. I could have fed you some beer. And cheese. When did you start self coaching?