Thursday, June 5, 2008

MAPs done finally

I had a good ride today. It was hard, really hard in more then one way. The weather was finally good enough to do my MAP intervals, however it was windy super windy. But I pumped myself up, convincing myself that I need the time in the wind, come to think of it I think today was really my first test in the wind this year!!! Wow, last year I had soo many hard rides in the wind.

I went to the trans can highway to do my 2 min intervals, it was a south wind so it was a complete side wind, yikes it was 30km gusting 52 km ph. I gotta say I'd rather have a head wind, and with those gusts it nearly blew me off my bike when the gusts would hit me. Oh well I kept telling myself it was good practice, especially if I want to rent some really aero wheels(I'm still deciding). The P2c also has lots of flat area on the tubing so it caught plenty of wind, no aero wheels needed for that.

I did my warm up with some one legged spinning alternating legs, then got into my first 2 min interval. The first bunch went ok and was able to get up to the target hr of 150. Later on though, coming back(I had 2 sets of 6 to do) it got tougher. I think I was getting tired and with the gusts hitting me from the other side and with some rough roads I couldn't quite push hard enough to hit 150, but I went as hard as I could safely. The wind today was a real big learning experience, I'm glad and proud I braved it. :)

I went for the usual thurs. swim after and it went ok, but I felt the effects of the hard bike. My asthma bugs me a bit in the water, but it's fine and I got through the work out ok. My swimming doesn't improve in summer so I just maintain the fitness. It's all good, I'm looking forward to doing some OW swims maybe next week? Who's in?


Susi said...

i'm in for the swim, but i'll be there earlier i think??

great job pushing through the wind - will be good practice for when you deal with the wind on the backside of richter. i think we have a definite advantage training out here in this natural wind tunnel!! lol

Julie said...

Wind training is good mental training too -- nothing is as demoralizing as wind steadily sapping your strength reserves. And the sound of wind too -- Man, sometimes just the sound of the wind blasting in my ears makes me pedal slower -- it's all I can do to resist the sound and keep going!!

Way to go for doing your workouts in those challenging conditions!!!

Leslie said...

I hear ya about the crosswind, I need to tie some weights on my bike or something so I don't get blown gets really interesting when the big trucks go by!

I might be in for an open water swim, Chad said the girl from the gym (name???) wants to get out there as well before the race!

Jenna said...

Crosswinds can be so scary...I do prefer a strong headwind because at least you know where it is - no surprises!! way to push through it!!

Keith said...

If my wetsuit arrives in time I'm in for an OW swim.