Monday, June 9, 2008

Ok MN that'll do, how bout some sunshine?!?!?!?!


The weekend was so so, Saturday I bailed on the long ride as it was pouring and I just felt tired and unmotivated. Why train if I hate it right? I just can't stand the trainer, somthing about making the progression from winter to spring then to summer and weaning yourself off the trainer, then going back to the trainer??? WTF?!?!

Oh well Greg was nice enough to invite me over for sunday, maybe he sensed my issues with the trainer and it was a boost to be able to try to get the double brick done together. Bit of team work here, woot!! I didn't quite getter done, my sit bones were just not liking it and my hamstring decided to act up so I had to stop early on the second bike section. I did a bit extra running and picked it up quite a bit at the end. I tryed to keep up with Gomez(we were watching the world champs on the comp) but alas I got dropped too, just like everyone else.

Today I figured I may have a chance to ride outside, I was hopinggggggggg, crossing my fingersssssss. The sun was out for most of the day, the weather called for chance of thunder showers later but maybe just maybe i could get my 1.5 hour ride in before??? pretty pls?? NOPE, I promptly got rejected as I walked out, the storm clouds rolled in. I had a few nasty F-bombs for MN in reply. So I drove home and hopped into bed for a nap. I figured I can't ride outside may as well ride later on, I was dead tired anyways. I woke up 1.5 hours later and looked outside, hmmmm it's dry now. Dark clouds still present but they're aways off, maybe I could get a quick ride in. YEs I know I'm desparate to ride outside, so I put on the clothes and headed out the door with my trusty road bike.

I headed down the paths along the bow river, it was nice actually. I can't believe how green it is, the mower guys can't keep up with the grass and the trees are so lush. The ducks/ducklings have so much to eat. The dry pavement was short lived and I started to feel that oh so familar cold, wet creaping through my crotchal region from the water being spit up. Oh well it wasn't raining yet and I was enjoying the ride despite the water soaking my tights. I made it out to the turn around getting closer to the darker clouds. It did start to splish splash a bit on me, but I quickly rode out of it on my way back. There were people out, but not so much on the bike path so that was nice. I didn't have to slow down so much to pass people. A few highlights of my ride were, seeing Mr. Beaver again, yes it was the same beaver I can tell. Trying to convince a pile of geese to get off the path so I could ride by, dodging the goose poop(they still hadn't moved for the trip home), and of course dodging most of the rain. Woo hooooooo, over,


PS: Think we may be swimming at Arbour lake at 7 pm tomorrow if anyone wants to come.


Julie said...

Rain SUCKS!!! Glad to see the little creatures of the wilderness are out there cheering you on! LOL!

Susi said...

no swearing at Mother Nature!!! we LOVE her and there is a very good reason for the weather we are having. we just may not know it yet. haha.

Leslie said...

Hey Darryl,

I think I am going to go later on in the week, maybe Friday if you are up for going again:) I am a wuss and I don't want to go in the rain!

runningman said...

Yeah I'm wondering if it's such a good idea to go with possible thunder showers. Maybe I should just go to the pool. Yeah Leslie I'll for sure go at the end of the week. It'll be good to ride/drive the course as well.