Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm still hungry!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr

Seriously, I eat and eat and eat all day long, have a big lunch and I have one plum left(I don't care for plums) and I'm still hungry!!!! Ok, here's the breakdown, I had a yogurt, 2xgranola bars, a asian mango jelly thing(you know the kind you get in the asian isle of the grocery store), at home I had some kind of pastry thing with a cup of choc. milk for breakfast. For lunch I had a big big tupperwear thing full of all kinds of goodness, ham, potatoes, peas, green beans, hmmm something else. Then a bag full of stawberries, and a bag full of carrots for snack later. Just now I ate an apple and finished up the bag of carrots. Hmmm there's gotta be more I just can't think of it right now and it feels like my tummy is telling me it wants more??? Maybe I have a tapeworm??? My co-workers think I'm weird cause I have a big lunch kit and somtimes it can't be closed cause my food is sticking out the top of it. They just assume I eat all day, that's it. I don't really, but I do munch on stuff much of it. Most of the time it's healthy stuff, somtimes bad snacks. Anyways I know I need the calories, but seriously I ate a lot today!!!

1 comment:

Trevor Oseen said...

Join the club! I am glad for that as I thought I was the only one getting weird looks for my lunch kit taking up half the fridge.