Friday, December 10, 2010


I had a good run yesterday.  It was snowing and about -12 so I decided to do the long run on the tready.  Last winter I ran most of the time outside even up to like -25(just temperature)?  This winter since I have the treadmill option so close I'll probably be using it more.  As long as they don't kick me out of the gym for hogging the treadmill for hours at a time. 

On a side note, when they gave us the gym tour our guide mentioned that the treadmills stop at 1 hour.  Then she casually mentioned that it's not a big deal, who runs for a couple hours anyways??  lol I said ahhh I do(I should have kept my mouth shut) but yeah it's not a big deal starting over at 1 hour.  Then she also mentioned that the eliptical could be a tougher workout than the treadmill.  I kinda rolled my eyes, but kept my mouth shut.  lol I don't want to get into a debate, but seriously eliptical vs treadmill???  For what I need it for?  Actually running races?  Not that she would know that.  Not her fault, for a workout sure it's a great tool.  But to resemble or mimic any type of natural movement ie running?  Nope it doesn't cut it.  Anyways side rant, sorry. 

So I did my 13 mile run indoors and today my skin in various places is/are chafed raw.  OUCH!!  My running is comin along great, and that one pace that I always set the dreadmill up to is becoming quite easy.  Yesterday I wore my hr monitor and could see my progress.  I'm a ways off from where I was during the summer, but it'll happen.  Gotta be patient.  My weight isn't coming off yet, I have to be patient with that too.  Last week I ran 5 days, this week probably 6.  I'll keep a journal so I can keep track of my runs and make sure I'm not doing too much too soon.

I've decided to follow a plan by Pfitzinger, linked here  I'm sure it's ok to post it since it was posted online at runningtimes's site.  So my plan is to build up my mileage to the start of the plan.  If I count the weeks backward it would start on Jan 24th and I want to be doing the correct mileage by then so I can step into the plan and not get injured.  Right now I'm building with out doing any speed work.  I'm resisting the urge, although I really want to increase the speed, and or do some intervals.  In my opinion the miles have to be built up before you add the speed.  That way your body is already used to the stress that running gives, and will recover faster when adding the speed work.  Plus hopefully I'll be leaner so my legs will be able to handle my body weight. ha ha.  While that plan is very close to what I've done in the past I may have to change some things around as I'm different and my life is different too!!  It's ok, I'm just using it as a starting point.  I feel I need the schedule and goal for each day.  It keeps me motivated and on days where I have none, it reminds me that I'm headed out for a run anyways!!  Happy running folks



Anonymous said...

Always good to have a plan!As from your last couple of posts,You do seem like you are not done with your running career at this point in your life.I thinsk as we get older that you can actually race the marathon better than when you were younger due to having more patience & racing smarter to execute your race.Lots of snow here to ski,we must be sure to hook up this year. Cam.

Trevor Oseen said...

Funny, I like seeing others put themselves through the torture that I have done so many times before