Friday, September 18, 2009

IMC RR #2 (forgotten story)


I was just reading Julie's blog and got reminded of somthing that happened to me during the bike section at IMC. I was into the false flat section coming up to Yellow lake during the toughest section for me at least. It's false flat, you're tired, somtimes don't know if I should be aero or sitting up so I do a bit of both mostly aero this year. So at one point I'm aero and looking forward to seeing lisa and my Mom on the climb. Then with out warning or no time to react a wasp flies into my mouth!! You would think I'd have time to close it on time, but I guess 140km on the bike will be the equivalent of a half dozen beers, at least with your reaction timing. It all happened really quick, after it flew in I naturally spit as fast as I could. I'm sure people watching must have had a really awesome show watching this cyclist come by blowing/spitting like that. It flew out instantly, or got tossed out, but on the way out it stung me on the inside of the lip. So here comes the sharp pain that you always get from them. The first thing that comes into my head was oooooohh boy here comes the pain/swelling will I have to drop out??? My race was going well at that point, I had visions of how my run might turn out with mouth pain, I don know what else happens when you get stung inside the mouth??? So yeah my lip swelled up immediately, I went by Lisa/Mom and they yelled for me so there was no way I could tell them anything unless I stop. I wasn't going to stop untill I have to. Drinking was a pain in the ass with the big lip. I even checked the Yellow lake pictures but with out ordering them and checking them you can't tell. So I climbed Yellow lake, rode down into the wind, made my way back into town trying not to drool on myself too much. I started out the run feeling awesome and here's where it gets really bizzare!! I totally forgot about it because the swelling and pain went away!!! I've had stings before and they never do that! I couldn't believe it I thought it was a miracle(ohhhhh yeah I pray in the race ha ha). I guess there was no stinger in my mouth, but I still didn't expect that. Anywho there's my funny story, I'm not trying to top Julie's adventure, I won't ever top one of there posts. hee hee


Julie said...

SEE? There totally IS something to getting stung while working out and it not hurting as bad nor lasting as long as a sting when you are just hanging around!!

HOLY MOLY -- I can't believe that happened to you, Darryl!! LOL!!! I can just imagine you thinking to yourself, "Oh great -- NOW what am I supposed to do?" Hahahahahahaha!

It goes to show just how much of an epic day Ironman is when you *forget* about getting stung on the inside of your mouth during the bike portion! LMAO!!!!!!

Keith said...

I got stung by something on the tongue during the 70.3 midway through the bike. And by the end of the bike it was totally gone. I was afraid my tongue was going to swell up so big I couldn't breath properly or get my nutrition in. I've been trying to keep my mouth shut more, just because of this. I guess I'm half as epic as Darryl is.

i am Susan said...

Man that is crazy. I am glad that nothing serious ever came out of the sting.