Thursday, June 3, 2010


OUCH!!!! that hurt. No not the latest and greatest workout, although those hurt. But no the massage I had today at noon. My calves are so knotted up, why am I so merciless with my calves???? I had her work on my calves almost the entire 45 min, I gotta get in there a couple more times before IM. I had her go as deep as I could handle, I was wimpering and still made her keep the pressure on. The first time she ran her hands down my left calf and got to the knot. You know how the hands will kinda slip/jump over the knot, well her hands actually slipped off my leg completely. We couldn't get them completely as after awhile of working the legs they just get too aggravated and will tighten up. So she'd go to the other leg for awhile and then come back to the bad one. Yeesh I just know my head will hurt later. I'm happy though, she's good, she's close to work, she gets me in on short notice, and she knows how to really hurt me.

One thing that I've noticed as I moved from running to triathlon is that I've moved from a heel striker to a toe/forefoot runner. At least that's what I think happened because I went from a chronic knee injurer(yes that's a word) to a tight calf problematic guy. It makes sense right? Heel striking seems to be more of a knee jaring thing, then moving to landing on the toes your calves are constantly tightened. Maybe it's the cycling that has made this change to my running. Although it's def. the running that causes it, so I think the cycling may have changed my running form. I'm not complaining though, I'd rather deal with a sore/tight calf than a knee injury any day. Oh btw it's the same leg too, could be that that leg is shorter too which causes problems, or the other one is so this one has to work harder. Anyways what do you guys think? Anyone else noticed a similar thing?

Over and out,



Keith said...

You need to find out if your legs are in fact the same length or not. It is common for one leg to be longer than the other, sometimes by a surprising amount. The other thing is that your hips could be out of alignment, leading to the effect of having one leg longer.

Anonymous said...

shim or orthotic in one shoe to make up the difference of the shorter leg.Most people have two different leg lengths.Hope this helps ya out.I too am a forefoot striker now.Something that has evolved over the years!Cam.

Julie said...

I have one foot that is slightly bigger than the other one...It's the one that always gets the purple toe at Ironman. Hee-hee!