Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I survived...

More than once today.  Once at work when the announcement came through that 30 people would be layed off as our company was merging with the owning company.  We waited at our desks for 2-3 hours while we waited for that dreaded tap on the shoulder.  It didn't come for me so I survived.  We were all sent home early today.

I decided to do another ftp test today as my legs were feeling pretty spry after 2 days away from the bike.  This time I did a 20min test with a 5min blowout int. before.  It's been 12 days since my last test, I didn't really expect much of a change, but I wanted to confirm the numbers.  Plus it's a hard/beneficial ride in itself!!  So I warmed up with 30 minutes spinning, then did the 5min at my prescribed goal wattage.  I didn't care too much about those numbers as it's more of a hard "warmup".  Then 5 minutes easy and into the 20 minutes all out.  This time I had a fan to help up and I discarded the shirt.  Lately I've read about how much heat indoors on the trainer can skewer results even though you don't necessarily "feel" hot.  Some people use big industrial sized fans to cool themselves.  All I got is a small one that I can't turn the auto swivel off so I don't even get it directly all the time.  Oh well I do what I can, had my ipod hanging from the joists and I rode it all out.  Man I wanted to quit shortly after 10minutes, it got so hard to concentrate.  But I made it and when I looked at the results on the comp, I was 3 watts over last times 2x8min test.  See it was accurate!! 

Went to the gym with Lisa later for a run on the tready.  Brrrrr still sooooo cold in calgary.  Ran easy for 35 minutes, then cranked it up and ran hard for another 10min.  So happy with today's workouts...just another day at the office.  I remember what Chuckie would tell me, somthing like, "Don't let any ONE workout's results affect you GOOD or BAD".  In other words, don't get depressed about a single workout and on the flip side don't let a really good workout excite you too much.  Out,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in theer,lots of companies do cutbacks in Jan. Glad to jear that training is going well for ya!!!