Monday, January 7, 2008

running challenge underway

Hey All,

I'm back from vacation. Lisa and I drove to Manitoba to visit my family. It was a lot of fun despite the long drive. I really enjoy my family, I feel sorry for people who don't get a long with their family or don't care to visit them. I wish I could visit mine more often. Lisa also gets a long with them really well, which was nice to see. It's almost scary how well Mom and Lisa get a long. I got to run/visit with my cousin Gord as well. He runs the half marathon there nearly every year.

Like many of you I am onto the running challenge. I got every day in even with the long drive back from Manitoba. I didn't know how I'd get Jan 1st in since it was too cold in Manitoba to run outside, but Gord helped me out there and invited me to come run inside on a treadmill at the school he teaches at. I ran 3 times indoors there, twice outside when it warmed up. Swam and ran yesterday after a long sleep to recover from the drive. With today I should be at 7/7. I'm looking forward to Tuesday as that's the first day of the triathlon swim clinic. It's the same thing that I was swimming with before in Nov, Dec. with Curtis. I hear a rumor that Curtis may have his new ride. This sounds exciting, I want a bike so bad, but I don't know if I can afford it. Especially when the IMC hotel will cost so much.

Good luck to all on your goals. Congratz to Susan and Trevor on their endless running challenge. They'll make my month long running challenge seem like a picnic. I'll start off with a month and see how far it takes me. As Cam says make sure your goals are attainable. I'd like to add don't make them too easy as you might not reach your full potential. Dream big and you'll achieve big. Yes that may sound like the opposite of what Cam said, but it's not, close but it's not. Cheers,



Anonymous said...

Good to see ya back at it!!!Can you believe that they are still running?!!!I was definately unmotivated at 100 days.
Good luck with yor 30 day challenge.I am hiten the weights & some x/c skiing right now,just trying to get strong for the long season ahead.later,cam.

Anonymous said...

Hey D,Finally got that clock thing figured out?It was supposed to be a cool timex countdown,but didnt work right onto my blog????