Friday, February 26, 2010

Breathing problems


Well today was better. I have breathing problems in the pool too and on wednesday it finally got the best of me and I quit my workout. I had just finished a set of ummm I forget what it was I just remember nearly hyperventilating between reps. Then I was to do a 400m tt and a 1k tt. I did the 400 and started the 1k and that's about the time I threw in the towel. Just fed up!! It's not a huge huge problem like some others of you that read my blog, but just enough to annoy me on certain sets. Especially the sets that involve very little recovery, or even no recovery, right Chuckie? You know my favorites, ha ha. Anyways as Chuckie says oh what does he say again, hang on I'll check it up...."Never place too much stock in a single workout, good or bad." But it's not just a single workout I often have problems breathing and it's frustrating!! Anyways today I was to do the 1k tt again and I'm happy to say it went much better. Sure I was pooped for the stuff after, but at least I shaved off like 30secs off last times tt so I'll be happy for now. Lisa says I should see a doctor, I'm not convinced. I have in the past, they didn't do much for me then. I guess it could have progressed? Not sure... Over,



Jenna said...

excersize induced asthma? sometimes made worse in humid or chlorinated environs, when i swim I am a wheezer about 500m in.

runningman said...

Yeah sorry Jenna I should have said, I know it's exercised induced and yeah it's worse in the swimming environment. What do you do about it? Ventilin doesn't work. I've used singulair before, not sure if it helped. I haven't used anything though for years, just put up with it.

Julie said...

I think Lisa is right -- it is hard to find a good doc who will listen to you and care for you, but the good ones know their stuff.

I know your sense of frustration -- you got my email right?

Ventilin does nothing for me either but that other stuff I wrote you about in the email -- Oxeze (I think that is how it's spelled) is the SHIT!!! It literally stops my whooping instantly. Go see a doc and get a sample of it to try. It might help you out.

Good luck, Darryl -- I know how aggravating it is to have to give up on a workout because you can't breathe.

Jenna said...

stay on it - the freedom you get when it is under control is worth the frustration to find out how to manage it.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there D,You know That The ventolin works well for me,Just try to find something that works well for you.I have heard that a good warmup helps some people?Hopefully you can deal with this OK!!!

Leslie said...

Hey Darryl,

My asthma has been super bad in the last couple of weeks. So much so that I haven't been to bike class because after hard efforts it hurts to breathe (mostly a really tight chest). So I have been staying completely aerobic and it is better. I am going to the doctor on Friday to see what he has to say.

I hope it gets better for ya!


PS. We need to go for dinner and a movie again with you and Lisa