Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Race Season all set


Well I think I got my racing figured out, at least pre-cda. Talking with Chuckie I figure I can do two half mary's and a oly. I really wanted to do a Half IM but it just doesn't work with out having to travel or do a different IM.

Yesterday had a really good couple of rides. Chuckie made the mistake of telling me I could do them back to back. Me waking up in the morning and thinking bed, double bike, bed double bike. Weighing the odds, and honestly I could have woke up early to do one of the rides. I've been waking up early for workouts twice a week for the past month. But this time it wasn't to be and I shut off the alarm rolled over and dozed off. The rides proved to be tough and my legs hurt a lot, so much so that I couldn't really sleep well the next night. But I had a smile on my face the whole time tossing and turning. You know that feeling when you can barely walk you're hurting so bad, but the workout was a success. It hurts sooooooo good as they say. Fighting through the demons in training = successful race day right??? Oh I also earnt another Carlos V bar, that's 2 for the season. Ohhhhhh I better get them at the cda finish line ok Chuckie??? I'll wolf them all down similarly to your Big Macs. Ohhhhh yes I remember reading about that one. Somthing about you ordering 5 big macs while in the last miles at IMC, then having them delivered to the finish where you scarfed them all down?? ha ha my hero(specially since that's my weap of choice, burger that is).

Cam you doing the Calgary half? I'm in and I think Curtis is in, you can stay at his or my house np at all. Cheers,



Julie said...

Hahahaha!! I know how you feel about the pain in the night -- my arms throb from swimming and wake me up at night. LOL!!

At the rate you are going, you are going to have a whole stack of Chuckie-late bars at the IMCDA finish. Once you have your fill, save one for me, and I'll join you. :) Hee-hee!!

Anonymous said...

D,I havent decided yet...I Should probably enter asap to insure that I get in?Thanks for the invite.I will let you know.have a good week,Cam.