Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm pooped


Had a 2 hour run this morning, a bunch of it was at threshold effort. Yikes I had to dig deep to get through it. With about 20min left in the 90min hard section I tried to focus on what I'll feel like finishing IM cda. This always works to get me through, I just focus on what it'll feel like when I finally float in under 10 hours and put myself within kona striking distance. Not today though I couldn't even concentrate on that for longer than 1 minute before I'm watching the clock again. Trying to move the numbers forward. Anyhow I got through it ok, the legs were heavy from yesterday's training, Chuckie predicted that. It's all good, now I get to chill, recover a bit before the evening spin.

Lately I've had the silliest lil problem. I haven't bugged Chuckie about it yet since it still isn't anything to worry about. You'll laugh when you hear what it is.... my big toe. Yes that's right my big toe. I don't even know why, I just know it's been hurting and getting worse for about 2-3 weeks? It never hurt me during workouts, just after. Although on thursday's double run day it finally started bothering me to the point of where I was favoring it. My running shoes and cycling shoes have enough room in them, I think it's from my work shoes actually, that's why it didn't bother me during workouts(till thurs). So anyways thusday evening it became painful to the point where I was limping at work friday. So the last couple of nights I took polysporin and covered the toe and slept with a sock on that foot. Two nights, two nights!!! and it's almost gone. I was actually getting worried about it and mentioned to Greg I can't stop running now I'm running so damn well!! Oh well I'm happy to say it's gone now. Polysporin is good for saddle sores and now add BIG TOES to that list!!

Lisa asked if we(as in me) could have sunday off for valentines. lol so I had to write Chuckie to ask for a day off on sunday. I haven't actually had a full day off in 3-4 weeks?? Bout time for one and he was happy to give it and even mentioned Lisa and I could do some cross training?? /shrug I have no clue what he was talking about. ;) Ok I'm gonna go put up my feet and watch hockey. D-out


Julie said...

Polysporin is the duct tape of healing, I swear.

So weird about the big toe -- hahhahaha!! I'm glad to hear that it's doing better!! :) :)

Anonymous said...

that deposit into your own personal "want to" bank is a beautiful thing. Got me fired up over here at my desk. Keep it up my friend!!!