Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Joke of the day

Sorry I know I already posted today.  I just saw this joke and have to post it, I literally laughed out loud.

Ironman wants to do a long training day with his buddies, but his wife won't let him.

Next day, the buddies see the Ironman out there getting ready for the swim and they can't believe he showed up.

"Thought you were banned from the big day, what happened, your wife have a change of heart?"

"Yes, last night she came up to the bedroom in nice red teddy with some rope, told me to tie her up and do anything I want"

Run with me!!!

If you dare!!  I think you will all agree I've reached a new level of nerdiness/dorkiness/goofiness, etc.  But it's partly Cam's fault as he started with his video of one of his rides.  I tried takin the camera along and videoing some of my run.  Try to watch some, but I will include a **********WARNING******** please do not consume any alcohaul before watching and avoid looking directly at the screen as you will probably either throw up or fall on the floor twitching and convulsing because of the side to side, up and down movement.  One other thing I will add, my feet are NOT that noisy the mic just seems to be super sensitive, I was actually talking really quietly.  So without further adue...

The second one is shorter and steady don't worry, no more dizziness.

Like I said I know I'm a dork.  lol

Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Jenna did you mean to kick me ??? /cry

I don't have access.  If not please add me with darryl dot penner at gmale dot come.  If you did I'm sorry and I'll leave you alone.  Take care anyways.  I am a bit of a creeper I realize.

Anyways I had an awesome run yesterday!!!  I'm finally starting to feel some fitness creeping back into my legs, even though I still run with a bit of a belly.  My weight is still up, but of course I won't loose that over night, I think I'm down about 3 pounds??  I was up to like 187ish, and my absolute lowest has been 160, 165 was racing weight.  So yeah I'm a bit of a fatty, but I'm loosing again, down to 183.  So getting back to yesterday's run.  The weather was sooo nice, 20 degrees during the day.  I went out almost right away after work.  Did my favorite loop, 11.5 miles.  Did it at a pretty snappy pace, for me 7:41 average I believe.  That hard run I did 2 days ago where I ended up walking really boosted my fitness.  Probably made my body remember some of it's fitness from earlier this year. 

I started out at like a 7:50 mile and I thought this would be a bit quick for a 11.5 mile run so I talked myself down, or tried to anyways.  I assumed my body would slow down like I told it to, but that didn't happen.  Next mile about 7:45, then faster and faster, I couldn't help it, I moved up or down to a 7:30 pace.  I even ran 7:50 for the mile with the big hill.  The poop fairy tried to visit me, but I fought her off many times despite the abdominal pain that resulted.  I remember back running in Manitoba, my coach/friend at the time would call it "Crap Disease"  ha ha I had a good chuckle remembering that.  Anyways kept the miles up and the sun went down as I ran.  It's interesting how the temp plummets in fall when the sun goes down.  Even if it's warm during the day, it always cools off for night time.  Never saw any wild life, I looked for it, but nothing. Came up on this hot chick walking near my house though, wistled at her a couple times.  She turned around and blushed.  Then I realized it was my wife!! 

In other news, I'm gonna head off to the ski sale today to hopefully pick up some used skis.  Then we're off for yoga today, we as in Lisa and I.  We were gonna go yesterday, but after the longish run I convinced her to go today since I don't want an episode like the last time I went to yoga dehydrated(I got sick).  Over and out.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

6 days on the road and I"m a gonna...

Isn't that how the song goes?  Anyways 6 days consecutive running for me isn't too bad.  Yesterday I went out with Lisa again.  We have this route that takes us to a pond in carburn park.  We start out together, her walking, me running.  Some days I'll run ahead, then turn around and come back, then run ahead.  That way we stay in contact and it makes it more fun for both of us.  Other days like yesterday I continue onto the pond(the pond loop itself is about a 27 min) then I do loops till she gets there.  I know which direction she'll take so I go the opposite so we wave as we pass going the opposite direction 2-3 times.  Then as she's finishing up the loop and headed home, I'm done my 40 minutes which was the goal for yesterday.  Then we walk home together.  Yesterday I walked a bit then had to finish up running as I was sweaty and beginning to get cold.  Anyways it was still nice to get out together.  Damn Lisa ended up walking by the coyote, but didn't see it.  I wonder if he's had any luck catching the geese.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Burnt a few matches yesterday

Had a really good run yesterday.  But it was also a good reminder that I'm not there yet, ha ha.  Sometimes when you start to feel good you deceive yourself into thinking I'm not that out of shape.  Start to pick up the pace, check the watch on the last mile, think to yourself, hmmm I"m not feeling too bad lets pick it up some more.  Hee hee so yesterday I kept doing that first mile 7:51, then 7:31, then 7:32(with a pretty big hill), 7:16, 7:13(on lots of gravel with big stones).  Shortly after the last one it all of a sudden hit me like a fricken freight train.  I'M TIRED!!!  LOL  So I jogged and eventually walked the last .75 miles home.  It was nice weather and honestly walking in a training run doesn't bother me as much as it used to.  I guess I don't need to feed the ego as much.  I know what I'm capable and don't need to prove it.  If I was on a specific schedule I would have sucked it up and kept running.  But now when I'm just out to get in shape, I find I like stopping ever so often to walk, you get to soak up the soroundings so much more.  I'm betting Cam agrees, after all if you enjoy it more, appreciate nature, the animals, etc, you're more apt to head out the door tomorrow right?  I stop for animals too, at least a few seconds, long enough to say hi.  My two cents fwiw...


Monday, October 18, 2010

Back running

Hey there,

I had a good week, 5 runs last week, a couple walks, and one swim.  Pretty good for a retired triathlete.  I've gained a bunch of weight since IM, but I'm happy to say I'm starting to shed again.  Saturday's run I finally started to feel smooth again and the sub 8 min pace started to feel like it's supposed to.  It's funny cause I run that same approx. pace no matter how fit I am.  I just hurt more if I'm out of shape, or will even stop mid-run if I have to.  But it's the pace I dial into all the time, it varies a tad, but not much more than like 20 secs per mile.  I can run faster if fit and I have a specific goal or in a race of course, but if I head out without a goal it's always going to be about the same.

Still thinking of sking this winter.  I was gonna go shopping last week, but then I saw an advertisement for the annual ski sale/swap thing at Barlow/Maxbell.  So I think I'll hold off till then, it's actually starting this week so I don't have long to wait.  There's no snow yet anyways, although we had some last week(it melted).  I'm guessing if I do get skis we'll probably not get a winter(or at least very little snow), because that's just the way things go right? 

I also finally got some of those vibram barefoot shoes/sandles.  What ever you call them, I figured I'm in the off season so I could try using these a bit here and there to help strengthen my legs/feet.  I think I first heard about them from Susi and then a friend from work here does all his running in them.  I doubt I'll ever drop my running shoes completely, I just want to strengthen my legs.  I totally buy into the fact that we spend too much time in very cushioned footwear that that it causes us to actually weaken.  I don't know if it'll prevent injuries, I hope so, as long as I don't do too much of it too quickly.  I will be extremely cautious starting out with these as I've been running for so many years, it would be super easy to get injured.  Especially since I already have calf problems at times, with these things it works your calves wayyy harder as there is no heel at all.  I did 2 miles in them on sunday, mostly on ashalt, with some on grass.  My feet ache a bit even from that.  I even started out walking so it wasn't a full 2 miles of running.  Gotta watch the stones as you can feel it all through the thin rubber sole(not really a sole).

PS:  Saw a coyote on saturday.  On one of my regular runs to Carburn park he was cruisin around the pond possibly trying to catch a goose?  They're gathering on the pond for the trip south.  Has anyone ever noticed that not all the geese fly south?  It's true I see them year round, even in cold weather.  Yet they gather in fall, maybe just to go through the routine, then some end up staying? 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Critter update


I was running yesterday and came upon a couple of people gathered pointing up.  I looked up into the trees and saw my buddies.  A couple of porcupines.  There was one bigger one and a lil guy.  Just perched up high in the trees, not moving at all.  I wonder if they were sleeping there all day???  They're supposed to be nocturnal.  So I hustled over to where Lisa was walking to get her over(she's never seen them before).  I just love those guys, I need to train one to run with me.  In other news, I'm not quite 100%.  My achilles is still fine, now it's my calves again that are tight.  So I guess I'll have to start stretching, self massaging and maybe even go for a massage or two to correct that.  Kinda disappointing, but at least it's happening now instead of during summer.  Love the warm temps we're getting, I hope it continues for a month or two.  :)   Over and out.


Monday, October 4, 2010


Hey all,

Had a busy couple of weekends here.  Busy but good, awesome!  The weekend before last my buddy had a stag, he's an outdoorsie person so we went hiking in K country.  We hiked up Mt. Baldy, I think that's what it's called??  It's just across from barrier lake.  It was amazing weather.  The leaves are changing but mother nature has blessed us with some semi-summer weather that we never got.  Anywho there were about 6 of us that made it up to the top of the mountain.  I'm hoping to go once more yet before the snow hits.  I just love climbing.  You get to be out in Nature, climbing, getting a good workout.  Then you get the amazing view at the top which is the reward for the hard work.

So then this weekend we had the wedding.  Again like I mentioned they're both hikers/photographers so they decided to have it on top of the tram/mountain in Jasper.  Kinda gutsy for October, we could have gotten any kind of weather possible eh?  But we got probably the best day imaginable.  One of the tram guides was saying how they only get a hand full of days in a entire year that were clear enough to see Mt. Robsin.  The tallest mountain in the Canadian Rockies.  It was so warm up top that we took our jackets off, and dead calm too.  So my friends Gerad + Laura had a picture perfect wedding, congratz to both!!  I'd post some pictures, I did end up taking a bunch with my crappy camera, but they're both photographers and I'm not sure I'm allowed to post them.

The running is going well again, I had to take a few days off from that hike up Mt. Baldy.  My legs were so wrecked after that, they needed time to recover.  That is just totally different muscles, but that's part of the reason I want to do more.  I forget what the name of the peak is, but hopefully we can climb it this coming weekend.  Gotta make it quick since it's thanksgiving and I got a dinner to go to saturday.  It should be an awesome workout and even better view.  It's the peak that if you're on the number one heading west just entering the Rockies on the right side.  It has the huge rock face and big scree slope going up to the rock face.  It doesn't look climbable from the highway, but you can climb around either side and make it up the back side.  Crossing my fingers, please mother nature, all I ask is one more good weekend plllllllllllllllllllease!!! Over and out,

DP (aka. bignose...I just realized)