Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Make it Burn!

Am I sick in the head? Is there somthing wrong with me that I like pain? I guess I'm kinda old school, "No pain NO GAIN" but I've been looking forward to these MAP intervals since Christmas. I've been very patiently doing my easy z1/z2 workouts, what I really live for is the z5 efforts. Maybe it's the endorphins or just the satisfaction of knowing that I'm working on my speed!!!

Yesterday Greg suggested I do some more MAP intervals, 2 min on / 2 min off IFFFFFFFF I was feeling ok from my long ride on the weekend. Well I coulda told you before I started that I'd be doing the intervals. Oh I did monitor myself during the warmup, I was prepared to pull the plug on the hard stuff if somthing wasn't right. I really wanted to do them though, sure you dread them in a way cause heck they hurt, but they hurt so good!! Got the warmup done, did some one legged drills, then accelerated up to a good "ohhhh god it hurts" pace. My target hr since I don't have a power meter is just over 150. I'd like to think I'm intune with my body so much that I can actually feel the lactic acid pooling in my quads??? Maybe not, but I think about that while pushing anyways. The workout was 2x (5x2min) with a 5 min rest between the 2 sets. Some of them are into the wind some are with. At one point I was flying through Chestermere headed south back to the canal path, I just put myself in the middle of the since I was breaking the speed limit easily (40km ph) maybe 50-60? I don't have a bike computer so I have to guess. I was gaining on the car in front of me till he saw me catch up. I actually like that I don't have one, helps me to concentrate on myself, the time, and my hr. Anyways they went by with out a hitch and after I finished the last one I had a nice cooldown over the last half hour or so of riding.

I quickly changed shoes and headed out for a 45 min ez run. The first bit of it I had to run quite slow as the hr wanted to creep up on me. Later on I could pick it up a bit and even compromised with myself letting the hr go up into z2, still very ez effort. Over all the workout went great, the calf is still not 100% but continuing to improve. Cheers,



Susi said...

yup, you are a sick puppy! no worries though, i can appreciate that! LOL.

see ya in the morrow!

i am Susan said...

I've just come to the conclusion that something always has to hurt. If it's not the back, it's the hip, and if everything is good than some little kid will step on your toe and kick it too---if you are lucky : ) It's just part of training. It's juat a bonus day when you don't hurt that bad.

Great Job on all your training!!

kelsey said...

No what's sick is that everyone else get's to do MAP Intervals but me! I wanna do MAP Intervals!!!

Nice workout! See you Friday!

Jenna said...

lol - just a bunch of SICKOS!!

Trevor Oseen said...

You can even have toes like Susan if your luck out... :)

Make sure you get some quality workouts over the next week to make up for my lack there of.

Chad Geiger said...

Dude, you almost Lance Armstronged a car! That's cool!

runningman said...

LOL chad

Julie said...

You're so right -- there is something so gratifying when you do those hard workouts -- like you REALLY have accomplished something! :) :)

Geesh, behind slow moving traffic at the pool, and then literally slow moving traffic on the bike -- LOL!!!

That's hilarious, that the guy picked up speed once he saw you. :) :)

In the spirit of Susi's Snoopy Happy Dance, I think you should do a Happy Calf Dance!!! A solid workout and you aren't crippledup by it! Yay for the recovering calf!!!

Jenna said...

here is a token comment but you have to POST stories of the camp to get a real comment from me!!! so get BUSY!!

Chad Geiger said...

I agree with Jenna, I want camp stories!