Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother Nature's my bi@#ch

Hey all,

I've been off running completely for like 2 weeks now. It's hard since running is my first love, but I'm able to swim and bike so it's not so bad. I had wanted to really focus this year on my cycling so I guess I'm getting that. I did my first run on wednesday and it was a bit disappointing, I just did 30 min ez pace on gravel/dirt/grass but I could still feel the stiffness. No real pain just stiff. So I'm stretching, going for massages, and icing it regularly. Yesterday I skipped the scheduled z2 run and so today it feels good again so I'll try the 30 min run ez paced and maybe on a treadmill since we're probably going to get dumped on. Cross your fingers for me as I can't really tell till I try how it's going. Stretching it really doesn't touch the injured part, I have to stretch it just right to get it.

For everyone who's doing the first tri of the season this weekend GOOD LUCK!!! I wish you all the best and will be thinking of you all sunday. I was considering coming out and cheering and taking pictures, but I kinda think it won't happen. Plus it would be nice to meet some of you, but I will get the chance since I'll be going to the Penticton training camp. I'm looking forward to that, and crossing my fingers that my calf will be all better.

In regards to the upcoming snow. I've made a concoius decision, I'm riding outside no matter what. Mother nature can friggen BRING IT ON!!!! Course the snow may be gone by the time I hit the road Saturday(friday's a rest day) but sun, rain, cold, wind, snow I'm gonna be out there. I'd still bundle up and head outside then do the trainer thing. I'm officially done with the trainer. Some of you have the same attitude I've read and I know you know what I mean. Most of cycling is just attitude. You CAN ride through the wind, you CAN enjoy the rain. You just have to prepare yourself mentally for it, tell yourself you will enjoy it and you will. Simple as that. When race day comes you'll be able to handle anything Mother Nature throws at you. Now GET OUT THERE AND RIDE!! :)


Susi said...

hmmm, get out there and ride...isn't that part of a queen song? "bicycle, biiicycle. i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike...." heh heh.

i'm with you. i think i'll be out there no matter what. although i have to figure something out for my feet. i know i can't ride long with soakers, i couldn't feel my toes.

hang in there with the calf issue. it will go away and you will be fine. you just have to think it.

penticton is going to be a blast!

Julie said...

Yahooo!! Way to stick it to Mother Nature!! LOL!! I do have to admit one teensy weensy thing though ... I fled the streets of the Crowsnest Pass and hit the trainer today! Couldn't do it, dude. :) :) :)

I'm sending positive energy to your calf. I think you have the right attitude about it too -- do what you can, and let it heal. Your body will let you know when it is ready again.

AND you are logging some serious mileage on your bike too. At least you can do that!! Take care of that calf!! :) :) :)

Jenna said...

Take care of the calf or it might climb up your leg and be on your shoulder for your finish line photo just like my hamstring threatens to do to me. I have no doubt the time you are putting in on the bike will pay large dividens :) Enjoy your ride this weekend, I will be checking back to see how it went and if I hear you were on the trainer, I am just gonna smile :)

And ANOTHER one heading out to the training camp. I wanna go, I wanna go!!(Insert 5 year old fit here!!) Oh right, I have kids that need me that weekend for our big RV trip and I can't bail - hell would swallow me whole!!
Have fun and I want to hear the stories and someone better post some pictures :)


runningman said...

ohhhh it's like Christmas time, comin home to comments on my blog!!

runningman said...

oh btw the run went pretty good, still slightly there, but improved from tuesday's run. Did 35 min ez on the treadmill today.

Susi said...

hola, i didn't see your note about soakers - do you have a solution? i have booties, but not sure they would keep the wet out. was almost thinking of putting baggies on my feet then booties, LOL.

glad run went well!

Keith said...

I want to be out on the road, but there are limits. At some point it turns into a dumb decision because of cold/wet/risks from cars, ect. For me once it gets below about 10 C I start rethinking it. When you add wet to that it gets to be an easy decision.

Good luck with the calf, better to rest and let it heal.

runningman said...

You're absolutely correct Keith, better to be a wimp and go inside then risk death slipping under a car or somthing. I can talk tough cause I had no bike ride scheduled for today.

Susi, yeah I've thought about usin bags, they wouldn't take too much room up in the shoes. Oh well hopefully we won't have too many more wet/cold rides.

Susi said...

We ended up with about 6" of snow in Cochrane. I will be praying to Mother Nature to make it melt and the roads be dry for Saturday morning when I head out. Otherwise it will be another trainer day. Boo.

kelsey said...

On out bike trip of Austin we faced far worse weather then we expected. Our midnight to 6am shift was raining/sleet/snow killer headwinds. I remember thinking back over the ride and realizing that was my favorite part because I would never ride in that weather ever again!

FYI Safeway plastic baggies work great. Also, if you know you are going to go out in the rain (crazies) there are holes on the bottom of your shoes for the air to get out on warm days and for your cleats. Just tape 'em up and you are good to go!

i am Susan said...

Yes Mother Nature is not my friend. However, most of my workouts are done indoors. I probably should get outdoors more, but it seems that leaving a five and seven year old to fend for themselves at home while I get an outdoor workout in is frowned upon by law enforcement. Speaking of the munchkins... The poor kids have not been able to play much soccer since their season started a few weeks ago.