Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas, New Years, Run challenge, Bum sitings, etc

Sounds like a long post from the title, but I'll have to make this quick as house cleaning awaits!! Here are the highlights of my Christmas/New Years holidays

First off I met my friend on the city bike paths again. On a late night run I was climbing the hill near the Glenmore trail and the bow river. He had his belongings sprawled out on the bike path. I didn't recognize him at first, but then I doubled back to say hello and to finally introduce myself. His name is Jim, he is homeless, and made it clear he does not drink alcohaul. I couldn't smell anything on him so I'm gonna assume this is correct because in all my sitings I've never seen him act drunk or smell of anything other than BO. He confirmed pretty much all my guesses. He does do odd jobs around the neighborhood, he even mentioned he collects toys for kids? Anyways I kept it short, I just wanted to introduce myself, say hello. He made it clear to me that all our ummmm meetings and his jokes were just his way of letting people know who he is. So there you have it, Jim is his name.

Second, running with my bro. Now I know I have some natural running talent, but my bro would knock my socks off if he were ever to actually pick up running. Who in their right mind could just walk out the door and pound out 10k without any run training??? Well that's what my bro decided to do, with a little coaxing from me. I borrowed him some running gear and we headed out. I was able to show him some of the critters that I see. Lots of deer and even a bald eagle. I made a pit stop to drop off a little somthing at my new friend(Jim)'s "home" and we carried on. Curtis we ended up doing the footbridge 10k loop(he'll know which that is) which included the steep hill. I let my bro walk that and then we kept running, on snowy paths from there. He had to walk a bit at the end so I'd keep going and double back for him a few times.

Third, walking with my mom and bro. We got a couple gorgeous days and all the ducks/geese, eagles made it worth it!!

Fourth, Going to watch a really good game. You would have to see it to believe it as most of you will not believe that the Edmonton Oilers could produce such a game. Well ok the opening period sucked, they played TERRIBLE!! The gave up 3 goals to the Avs, but then a different team walked out to start the second period. I really think it was a team of impostors who started the game as this was a different team!!! They came back goal by goal to tie it up in the third. They could have really won the game as they clearly out played Colorado especially in overtime, it was a nail biter. Edmonton got a penalty though and then eventually Colorado did too, but no one scored in the 4 on 4 5 min over time. Then in the shootout Colorado scored, but it was a super 2 periods + overtime, too bad the game started out 3 - 0. Oh well just goes to show, you have to play 60 minutes of hockey.

Fifth, the time spent with family. I don't know why, maybe cause it was at our house but this year it was extra special. One of my bros wasn't here, I'm sure that would have been the icing on the cake. We had the tree up, we slept in, then had breakfast all together. Waffles, omelettes, or cereal, and yes Cam as you saw in the video PLenty of coffee!!

Sixth, playing games with family. We played plenty of Mexican train(with dominoes) and knipsbrat(or crokinole). Knipsbrat is the german word. Yes I speak Plattdüütsch, I don't write it as I had to google the two german words there. Anyways those games are so much fun. If anyone wants to come over and play, you are always welcome. Look them up if you want to see how they are played.

Seventh, and the last, but not the least. The run challenge. Yes I will take part, but since I have some aspirations this year about doing a couple ultra marathons I don't know how long I'll last. As I'm sure is the case for some of you as well I'll need to do some longggg runs, so I will listen to my body and if I do happen to need a day off here or there. Yes 20 minutes might not cut it at times. But who knows, I will still try to do it, just will listen to my body and not risk an injury.

Here are the rules as layed out by Cam if anyone else wants to still join.

1. Run every day a minimum of 20 minutes.
2. You may miss one day per month, however you must make up for that day by running twice the day before or the day after.
3. Those two runs must be separated by at least 3 hours and of course a change of clothes.
4. Run as many days as you can. This started out as a 100 runs in 100 days contests but Susan smashed that record out of the water by doing something like 210 days a couple years ago??

Jeez when ever I say it'll be short it ends up being long. Arughhhh


Keith said...

So now we know you're doing great with the running. An ultramarathon. Sheesh. It's a pretty safe bet I'll never be doing that. Love the photos of you guys! How is Lisa doing with her workouts? Is she planning any races this year?

runningman said...

Hey Keith, Yah maybe the death race, I have a few days to decide yet. Lisa is doing awesome. She's lost a bunch of weight and we both joined our gym near by. So she sometimes comes to join me when I run there. Today she walked as I ran outside though. Don't know what she has planned for races, maybe a 5k or two? It hasn't come up yet. We need to have you and Linda over sometime to catch up.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great holiday!