Monday, May 14, 2007

ups n' downs

The weekend started off terrible but ended off great. It's weird how training can go up and down even one day to the next. I just wish I could get some kind of warning for the downs so I could prepare myself. Maybe put some cushioning out. Anyways my ride on saturday was a disaster. I'm not sure what could have made it worse, maybe some mechanical(knock on wood). Anways I made some rookie mistakes, starting out too hard, no carb loading. Anyways it started out as a beautiful day, sun, no wind. This all changed later on, not sure why but the wind always picks up, later on it was up at 45 km p/h again. Crazy anyway I cracked, and cracked big time(not to be confused with bonked, I had plenty of infinit) but I just ran out of gas. My feet and neck were also killing me and I just had to stop, several times in the last 30km, it was not pretty. I remember thinking how I was going to get home. Anyways I'd just as soon forget about that ride and move on so I won't talk about it anymore, I got the 5 hours 135km done like I wanted that's all that matters.

Sunday went super well. I thought I'd still be really sore but I seemed fine. I had planned to run with Curtis some time today, it didn't happen but I still had a good day. I went to the Talisman centre in the early afternoon. Decided to do a long timed swim, so I swam 3k in 55:42. Which I was quite pleased with, especially since it didn't seem hard, just boring (120 laps!!!!) Anyways I wasn't even that sore after and was able to still push in the last 20 laps of the swim. Ran 45 min after that. BTW the weather was crappy all day, rainy and overcast and chilly. So anyways I went out to the res. in the evening like planned, Curtis couldn't make it so I went out anyways(I'm really stubborn at times). and ran the loop. Felt great, had no problems. I had the heart rate monitor on and I kept it at around 135-145 the whole way. It sneaked up occastionally to 150 on the hills. Anyways I didn't seem too sore after that, I'm feeling it this morning, but I'm glad I could end off the weekend on a good note.

I realize I wrote quite a bit, I know I'm long winded.

PS: That's me at work, in case you were wondering

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