Wow that was effed up. I just had what I consider a food/asthma attack. I haven't had one in quite awhile. I'd usually get them from eating then running too soon after the meal. Curtis can attest he's seen me at my worst. Somtimes I've been so particular I couldn't even eat 2 hours before I run and I'd get it. I don't know if it's an attack it feels like someone's choking me, I get light headed nautious(however you spell that CHAD!) and am always resorted to walking till it passes. I've gotten it aprox 4 hours after I drank a cup of milk. That's why I believe milk is especially bad for it. Anyways I get home today after the swim feeling on top of the world. I had gotten another outdoor bike ride in today 1:50. My legs and energy level was great. I had my protein powder in milk, then had a meal of lasagna. I get a phone call from Lisa and this thing hits me, again the strangling sensation, nausea, light headed. This time I wasn't even running.... Oh well all is good now, I'm relaxed, just have the aches like I'm recovering from the flu or somthing. I'm pretty sure it's the too much dairy products that caused it, I just haven't had one of those episodes in awhile so I'd kinda forgotten about it. My asthma has been nearly non-existant so it's just weird. Anyone else have this or know of someone where asthma and food do this? I know I'm not alergic, or lactate intollerant since this doesn't happen all the time and I've been drinking milk regularly now with the protein powder. I'm off to bed,
Hey Darryl,
Chad wanted me to tell you that I work at the Tech Shop next Sunday, 12-5pm. Also with the asthma, you may have a lactose sensitivity and still not be intolerant...asthma can quite often act up to small allergies in your body. Thats what mine does too. I'm not allergic to anything but sometimes (ususally do to the weather changes) my asthma will act up!
hey there,
i found out last year that i have exercise enduced asthma - it really only seems to hit during allergy season for me though. which makes sense as asthma is an allergic reaction. so now i keep a couple of inhalers on hand just in case. it's not too bad as it doesn't happen all the time - thankfully.
i would start keeping track of when the attacks occur and noting everything you are ingesting beforehand, as well as your activity levels. maybe even go in for allergy tests to see if there is something specific. you can then take all the info to the docs and see what's up.
good luck!
Hi, saw your post on Susi's blog - I have asthma as well. Sometimes it hits me when I least expect it and it really hits if I push it hard and the climat isn;t agreable. Wind can really mak it worse for me as well. I would recommend always carrying the inhalers even if you hardly ever ned them becuase once on the bike, far, far from home....I really needed it and didn;t have it! Take care!!!
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