Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day #3 IMC

Chillen on the beach and eating lunch. mmmm soft tacos, if you're ever in Penticton for the IM they make wicked soft tacos in the expo. It's in a cone shape, with chicken, beef, or jus veggie. Sooooo good.

The merchandise tent. Stay away from this place if you can help it. Very easy to spend a bunch, unless it's your first IM then it's a given you will spend your kids college tuition. :P
Hey there, I'll make this quick as it's 11:21 and I need to hit the sack. I've been busy gettin last minute things ready for the race. Today started fairly relaxed, but by the end I again feel like I'm late getting things ready. Ok we started the day going to the expo one more time. I needed to pick up a few small things that I'd missed, plus exchange my jersey for another size. After that we had lunch(yes we slept in today). No workouts, today was to be a day off of the training. We hung out on the beach for a bit and then went for a drive. I took Lisa and my mom up to Yellow lake, and then back down to OK falls so they know where to go when they are spectating sunday. Stopped for ice cream(none for me though :( ). Then went to the pasta dinner and race meeting. Nothing new there, got to sit with my good buddy Cam and his race buddies from Golden. Good little grp they got, hope everyone's ready to roll sunday.
One problem I have is my number belt. I left the one I normally use at home cause I bought a new one. It looked fine in the package but it's pretty much useless as it won't hold the number properly. I picked up another at bike barn on the way to the pasta dinner, brought it back here and found out there's a defect with this one.... So now I'm a little peeved I really don't think number belt's are that complicated are they??? Anywho too late to do anything about it now, will have to go back tomorrow return this one and try to find one that will work!! See what I mean by last minute prep and then running around town trying to sort it out? I also would like to get a small lil razor blade in case I need to cut the tire off should a flat happen. With tubulars it's often very hard to get the tire off since it's glued so it's often best just to cut the tire off. Oh well these are tiny stresses. I did see a cyclist and car stopped on the main street. The cyclist had a bandage on his arm and the police was writing a ticket out, I assume for the motorist? or maybe the cyclist?? Ok that's enough for today, time to hit the hay. Later all,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day #2 IMC

What a beautiful day we had! I don't know the exact high around 30 give or take.
My mom just lovessss plants/flowers. At home she grows all sorts and spends most of her time outdoors.

There's your pose Kelly, not much for arms. lol You can see I also got the playoff beard happening. It got shaved today, don't want it burning on race day with all the salt residue. :P

Last minute instructions before our swim. I think we actually chatted more than swam. Ahhhh I love ironman weekend with friends!

Dinner at Saltys! Here is the gang, well most of us.

Here's Greg, Dusty, hmmm you know I never did get introduced to his gf, I don't even know her name. doh!
Had an awesome day out here. I was having 2 slight things that were worrying me a bit, not much, but a bit. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to think about them. The first, my hamstring was bothering me from a swim a couple weeks ago where my legs cramped up. Also I had some congestion on the way out. Well I'm happy to say the hamstring thing has gone away(wasn't that big a deal really) and the congestion thing is nearly gone with the help of my echinatia. For those of you that don't know it really works for colds you detect are coming. As long as you start taking it early enough with in a couple days it's GONE!
So today started at about 9:30, nice and early for me(not for some of you I know). It was nice out already and I went for a ride to OK falls and back. I needed 50min and that was perfect to get the time I needed. I included some IM paced stuff and added a 10 min run after. Then in a bit after getting Lisa to come pick me up from the hotel we went to the lake, met Cam there, and had a short swim. It was awesome catching up with this dude from Golden BC. I'm gonna tip you all off right here and now, this guy is going to have a good race, I can FEEEL it!! Keep an eye on his results. So after the swim we got registered, picked up a quick lunch there, bought some IM stuff and went home. Later on we met the IG grp at salty's for dinner. That was good, got to meet some old/new friends and chat some more. Saw Belinda Granger on the way back to the hotel, she was chatting it up with a volunteer. Looks like Penticton has become her second home. So we hung out here at the hotel and guess who pulls up in a car. It's JULIE!!! She's stayin in my hotel again, just like last year. I'm excited to see this gal race too, man is she ever gonna rock!!! She is so confident there is absolutely no room for self-doubt or denial. I asked her about the start, I'm debating going out a bit harder to get in with some better swimmers this year. Jeez after talking to her, I got no more doubt. I'm gonna quote her, I hope it's ok Julie(tell me and I'll take it off the blog) something like, "I'm gonna go balls out!!" referring to her swim start. Maybe I need to get on her feet?!?!?! Ok that's enough for today, gotta save some for tomorrow. night all,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day #1 IMC

Here we are at Lake Louise on our way. This is my mom!

On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again!!! 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...

Chad this one's for you.
I Forget the name of this hotel, it's by the ghost town in the shuswab area?
I could totally be a model for Iron Greg uh? LOL

More road pics...

My baby, her and I were separated for a night till Greg brought her by this afternoon
Who's this girl? Gettin ready for a date? We're just going for dinner sheesh! lol
So there you have it Wednesday Day #1 in Pentiction. As you can see we're here in Penticton safe and sound. Had a good trip, even with all the construction delays, but what else is new uh. Soon as we got here I went for a 30 min run with a few strides. The ladies came out with me, walking while I ran back and forth. It was near 30 degrees here already, supposed to be that at least on sunday so it's probably good I aclimatize. After the run we went for dinner, went for a short walk around the beach area, shopped for a few groceries and came back. By the time I got back here I was hungry again so I'm snacking and updating my blog. Man this took long to update pictures. Not sure how much more pictures I'll upload at this rate. I should hit the sack, talk to you tomorrow. Night,

Monday, August 24, 2009

6 more sleeps!

Nothing to say really, just posting cause I said I would. Had a good run/swim yesterday. Today I have a bike ride then I will switch over my cassette to the 404s I borrowed from Trevor Else(thanks Trev). I hope I can adjust the shifting myself, then drop off my bike at Greg's so he can transport it to Penticton. Please be gentle with her Greg, :) Cheers,


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Say Cheese!

Hey all,

Well that was a first. I went for a short ride today. Did some IM paced riding, etc. Nothing too hard, it was really a nice day. Not too hot, bit of wind, but not too much. As I was riding in on Glenmore trail, still outside of the city I had to stop at a light on 84th st. I think? Anyways as we start out again, this half ton pulls up beside me. Someone rolls down the window, I look over to see a young teenager girl with a big bright smile on her face as she pulls out the camera to take a picture of me!!! At first I was confused, what do I do? I could get mad, but then again what would that help and they didn't say a word to me, plus getting upset never really helps. Not like I'd be able to do anything about it anyways. So I do what any ego driven male would do, I get down on the aero bars and pose, strut my stuff!!! Head down, hands out, serious look on my face. So the truck speeds away and I'm left wondering who's myspace or facebook I'll appear on. What would the caption say?? Maybe somthing like, "Look at this dork in the lycra". FWIW I didn't have a race top on, only cycling shorts which were skin tight, but even so to the general public us cyclists don't look normal. My ride went well, with a 16min trans. run after. Felt solid, the weather was awesome too, can't beat it. Cheers,


Friday, August 21, 2009

I love taper time!!!

"Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how to handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic."

My favorite time of the year.... TAPER TIME!!!! As you train for an event you sorta just get used to being tired and/or sore all the time. Especially with the running, I could probably count on one hand, or two how many times I've run on truely fresh legs. They're always tired from cycling. Why is that anyways?? Running doesn't hurt Cycling! Probably the same reason Cycling holds running fitness, but not the other way around, or at least I think the two questions are related. Anywho I don't think I've ever felt this ready to go. I feel so strong I'm really getting the racing itch. Yesterday Greg, Leslie, Adrian and I headed out for a ride. I was to do 8min, 6, 6, 4, 4 on with plenty of rest between. The pace started off pretty easy, the first 8, 6 I went ahead on my own riding at a comfortable IM pace, maybe a touch faster. Then coming back Greg went ahead giving me a carrot to chase, so the pace/effort went up quite a bit in the second 6 min. Then the last 2 4 min intervals were almost all out. Then in the recovery I did a couple 20sec sprints. Good short, yet still hard. I was a bit sore getting up this morning, but not really tired tired? With all this rest I feel sooooo good, and yet sooooo fit I just love it. Every session feels good, I feel so strong. I'm as fit as I ever have been, the work is done eh. It's reassuring to know that my body knows what to do, I just have to unleash the fury!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blast from the past!

Hey all,

Here's a motivational picture, guess who?!?! Way back in 1995 I'd run a marathon relay where I did 4.5 miles. I saw the full marathoners and at that point decided I wanted to do the full thing 4 months later. There was no doing a 10k or a half marathon first, I knew I wanted to go long. I wanted to truely test myself and here was the perfect distance. My training consisted of reading magazines going out and running till I drop. FWIW I did understand the concept of the long run(although I basically just ran till I couldn't run anymore then walk the rest of the way home). and doing shorter runs between with some faster than others. That's it, I did ok finishing in 3:36 with some walk breaks and I remember hurting so bad at the finish it was unbearable.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Monday, August 17, 2009

"I have confidence in confidence alone, besides which you see I have confidence in me!"

Hey all,

Tough weekend as in weather, although I'm not going to complain about it. I think I've complained enough with people around me, as Susan Oseen says gotta focus on the positive things. They are that I've got plenty of good training under my belt, I am fit, I am strong. Sure I don't know what will happen on Aug 30 so I will only think(notice I didn't say worry) about the things I can control. I have to secure a bike rack, get my bike tuned up, figure out when to pick up race wheels. I can't control the weather, or if I'll get a mechanical problem, smoke from forest fires, any past workouts missed. Am I forgetting anything? I will focus on my confidence as that has always been my weakness. I one time asked Greg, "What would you say my one big weakness is?", I don't think he hesitated at all and said somthing like, "The confidence you have in yourself". It surprised me a bit, I was expecting somthing technical or physical ie. cycling strength or somthing like that. Nope my weakness is right between my eyes. I call it being a realist, that's my excuse.

Everyone always has such confidence in me, why is that? Is it cause I am my worst critic? Is it cause "they" don't have anything to loose so they try to boost me up, because it's not them who will "fail" if I don't make X time or w/e? Or is it that they see somthing in me that I refuse to see, or can't see? I met PNF(Paula Newby Fraser) at my first Ironman. As I was walking into transition one day I met her and said good morning. She of course replied back and asked how I was doing, somthing about if I was ready for IM the next day. This being my first IM and the way I am said somthing like, "I don't know, I hope so". She right away scolded me, almost rude telling me, of course you're ready, you've done all the training, you're ready. How did she know what I've done? You can't tell by looking at someone how fit they are. Sure if they're thin, ripped it might give you the impression that they've done some work, but not necessarily. You can get all that with just weights. She's not concerned at all with what I've done, how many hours I've done, or how many miles I've logged. All she was touching on was my confidence. It's too late to go back in time and change anything, so why worry about it? I gotta stay in the now(have to steal that Susi) the past is the past. Sure I have to pace myself according to my training, fuel up like I did in training, race smart, but stop worrying about the shoulda, coulda, woulda. Great lesson to learn.

I've come along way. I know it's my weakness, it'll always be somthing I have to work with. By now people around me know this and constantly remind me. They catch little things in what I say, mainly when I use the word "If". It's frustrating sometimes, not so much that they are reminding me, but that I forget. Part of this confidence thing is a fear that I get. Race mornings I will fear the race so much, I'll get so nervous that I actually dread it. Before Wasa I def. let it control me. I still had a great race, but the morning wasn't pleasant and I never dealt with it properly. For the Calgary 70.3 I took it more seriously and dealt with it on the saturday, the day before. I made a consious decision not to let the fear control me and just made the choice to look forward to the race. Just like that all the fear disappeared. I remember talking to Julie the morning of telling her that I wasn't as nervous this time, this is why. Sure there was still some nervousness, some is good in my opinion. But I didn't dread it, and I think I was actually excited to race?!?!? k, so that's enough beating the dead horse(not literally Susi).

The conclusion, I'm going to Penticton with a renew'd confidence. I'll remember everything I need to remember, but with a calm peace about it. I'll enter lake okanagan knowing I'm ready to give it my all. I have time goals, placing goals, but if the day throws some obstacles my way I'm ready to deal with them. Ironman is all about making decisions on the fly isn't it. Over and out,


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Already a day late


Sorry didn't blog yesterday, but oh well we all knew I wouldn't be blogging EVERY day. But hey 2 days since my last post is better than 2 weeks. I've been taking it very easy lately, partly cause my motivation is petering out. I just need to hang on for a couple weeks. This weekend has been cool with more rain. I keep reminding myself that it's ok these workouts are just to maintain, it's ok if I have to ride on the trainer.

Rode on the trainer for 1.75 hours. Did some intervals, not really hard intervals basically just shifting up for 5min, 5rest, then 6min/4rest, 7/3rest,8/2rest,9 then cooldown. Went to the pool with Lisa after that, late at night think 10pm I finally started my swim. Did a 1500 tt in 26:45, was pretty happy with that, I think my last one a couple months ago was in the 27s.

Today Lisa and I were gonna go to Banff so I had to get my butt going. Still didn't get my run going till 1pm, but only did 90 min. Felt strong though, def went a bit quicker then the 2.5 hour runs in the past. Oh something that made me laugh during my run. I was cruising along one of the paths near fish creek park, not too much residential or streets near by. I could hear a siren in the distance wailing like they normally do, then just across the creek near the path I was running in the bushes a few coyotes started wailing back. It was clear they were trying to match the higher pitched EMS/Police siren. It was hilarious, I'd thought coyotes were smart???

Today I need to ride a lil longer, not sure what I'll do. It's only 15 degrees(I know I'm a wuss) and raining/hailing even. We'll see, might have to ride indoors again, ttyl


Friday, August 14, 2009

Holy Sh@#% is that IMC counter right?

That was my only thought for today. Am I ready for Ironman? I've done all the training, had mostly good races this year. I feel good, lost some poundage. Did I mention I reached my goal race weight? I've lost 30+ pounds since Christmas, yeah I do gain/loose a lot over the year. Oh well I'm going to really try and blog each day, even if it's only a paragraph. I know I know, I've said that before. This time I mean it, honest. Over and out,


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Calgary 70.3 pics

Just sayin hi (short RR that ends up being pretty long)

I haven't blogged for awhile. Some of you probably think I owe you a RR. hmmmmm to write one or not to write one...... Ok I'm gonna give a short one, call it a compromise ok? EDIT: Didn't turn out that short uh!

Race Morning:

Got up wicked early, maybe 3:30? I find it easier to get up if I didn't get much sleep to begin with. Met Greg at the bus shuttle and we rode out to the race site together(thanks for the long sleeve shirt Greg). First things first, got my bottles onto my bike, had to bend one of the cages into place, guess it had blown over in last night's wind. Met some old manitoba friends that I hadn't seen in like forever, found Trevor and Susan Oseen, even got a pic with Trevor, I'll try to nab it off his site. Said hi to other local friends/triathletes. Wished them well. Waited and waited for my heat to start. Got in the water with Mark, Trevor, other Mark, Shannon and waited for the gun to go off.


I positioned myself with my buddies on the inside of the dock, but just before the gun I changed my mind and moved to the middle. The horn goes and off we go!! Finally no more nervousness it's go time. The swim had good and bad parts. My finishing time showed me that my swim fitness is there. Considering the problems I had with vision I was thinking I was out of the race half way through. we turned the one corner and my goggles decided to fog up just as we were facing the sun. I tried to follow feet while I hoped that they would clear, but eventually I lost the feet in my blindness. I was so blind I never saw the next bouy till we were 10ft from it. I didn't want to stop to clear the fog, I was hoping it'd clear up on it's own. It didn't.... on the way back I sensed I was by myself so I stopped and cleared them. So then the goggles leaked for the rest of the swim. Oh well at least I could see. Coming in towards shore the waves were big, but I was happy, I don't mind swimming in waves, I mind swimming blind. So I stood up with 35 minutes down in the race. Hmmmm not as bad as I thought, and with the 2-3 stops I wasn't tired and felt great!!!


The wetsuit strip went well, grabbed my cycling shoes and ran to my bike at the far far end of the transition. It was in the last row furthest away from the lake. I ran to the bike, put my shoes on there, grabbed my bike and off I go. Long run to the road, but it's the same for everyone, almost at least. I felt good immediately here, must be all those hard swims eh Greg?? Felt great on the bike and since I was in the last wave I got to pass many many slower cyclists. That was kinda bitter sweet. It would be nice to know exactly which are in my age grp. I could kinda tell by how fast they were going, or if I bothered to check their age on their legs, but I didn't bother. I just rode as hard as I could. Greg asked me after about how I pace on the bike, hr, pwer, times, speed? I don't really have anything except the mental picture in my head. I got the fastest speed I can obtain as a 10, then I ride at 9. Complicated eh? About 20k in 2 guys passed me that were def. in my age grp so I kept and eye on them. I stayed well back, even got dropped at first, but managed to stay within site and passed them back a few times. Then on the way back they decided to cheat(draft) so I lost them. Later on Frank(age grp winner) came zipping by. Man can that guy ride, there was nooooo way I could keep up to that pace. Coming through Cochrane it was a bit frustrating, they had a lil no passing zone and I had just come up on 3-4 slower moving cyclists. I wasn't frustrated with them, not their fault they have every right to be there as I did, just frustrated at the timing. So I sat on their wheel, like a lil kid asking, "are we there yet??" There was no sign telling me to pass so as soon as I had room I zoomed by, I made sure they knew I was there. There were long lines of cars from airport road almost all the way back to Cochrane. Yikes I'd hate to be sitting there watching all the bikes go by. Later on I ran out of fluid, I had thought 3 would be enough, but it wasn't. I guess I was drinking more in the heat??? I even thought of asking a cute female competitor if I could borrow some, she had a full bottle on her cage why not? The aid stations were past already so I'm SOL, so I went through each bottle again, you know how there's always a bit more left. It musta looked rediculous trying to nurse some more drops out. Had an awesome dismount as I was telling Julie, hardly any slowing down, had my feet out of the shoes, swung my leg over so they were both on one side and "touched down" so to speak. My bike caught a curb or somthing cause it rocketed like 2 feet in the air banged down, chain flew off and my shoes were spinning madly all while dashing into my spot. I had to look at my wrist band to get my number to call out. I get really brain dead when racing and need to be told 10 times exactly where my spot is. Really quick change(for me anyways) and off I go onto the run. 1:30 trans. 2:31 bike.


Pumped about my sub 2:40(with transitions) ride I started out hard. It's a gradual downhill. I kinda misread my watch but I think my first 2k were in 8min. Pretty good, if only I could keep that pace through out the half marathon eh? Soon I started to feel the heat, and the hills started after the first 2k. If you look at the course not much of it was flat, I think only the part down in the valley. The rest of it was either up or down, but I like running hills. After the initial 5k push I tried to back it off a bit, I realized that I may have gone out a bit too hard. I still felt strong, one way I know this is every time I managed to slow down, I sped up again. It seems I was on auto pilot. I kept seeing friends on the course which helped sooooo much. Just as I'd go through a rough patch I'd see another buddy, wave, or say somthing and draw energy from it. Especially Julie, this chick really knows how to lift your spirits. Someone even mistook me for Trevor, that made me laugh. Then soon after about the 15k mark I started to feel a bit sick. My calves were also starting to twinge a bit, like they wanted to cramp, they never did but they were threatening to do so. So I took more coke or powerade in at the aid stations and kept pushing. I got to the last hill and tried to run up but twice I stopped to walk a few steps, I hate walking in a race, but I did, just a couple steps, then resumed the run. The last 2k were uphill again, man were they ever tough. I couldn't hear the finish or see it, but I knew after the mile marker it's gotta be close. Why won't it get here already!!! Just hang on, push push push, finally the finish shoot, around the corner and finish. What a relief, racing hurts doesn't it?? I guess it's got to, how else would we know we've done our best. Run was 1:37 finishing in just under 4:50.


Did great, didn't really have a time goal but wanted to be around 4:50. The bike was long, but also fast with the net downhill and tail wind so that probably made up for the extra distance. The run was really tough, but I'm glad I did so well with the hills and heat, good sign going into IMC. Thanks to all who yelled at me during the race, and to Curtis, Leslie, and Lisa for comin out to cheer me on. This race was special since there were so many friends on the course. I enjoyed watching all the heats, cheering on my friends(at least coming out of the water and heading out on the bike) then seeing everyone on the course. Sorry to those that didn't or couldn't cheer back at. I was cheering in my heart. :D I checked the results and was pleasantly surprised, finished 3rd in my age grp. I guess all the super fast guys stayed home??? I stuck around to get my award, but didn't take a clearwater(world champs 70.3) spot as I'm only after one world champs, it starts with a K and rhymes with Rona. Cheers all,