The merchandise tent. Stay away from this place if you can help it. Very easy to spend a bunch, unless it's your first IM then it's a given you will spend your kids college tuition. :P
One problem I have is my number belt. I left the one I normally use at home cause I bought a new one. It looked fine in the package but it's pretty much useless as it won't hold the number properly. I picked up another at bike barn on the way to the pasta dinner, brought it back here and found out there's a defect with this one.... So now I'm a little peeved I really don't think number belt's are that complicated are they??? Anywho too late to do anything about it now, will have to go back tomorrow return this one and try to find one that will work!! See what I mean by last minute prep and then running around town trying to sort it out? I also would like to get a small lil razor blade in case I need to cut the tire off should a flat happen. With tubulars it's often very hard to get the tire off since it's glued so it's often best just to cut the tire off. Oh well these are tiny stresses. I did see a cyclist and car stopped on the main street. The cyclist had a bandage on his arm and the police was writing a ticket out, I assume for the motorist? or maybe the cyclist?? Ok that's enough for today, time to hit the hay. Later all,
No ice cream for you? You'll have to load up after the race! Best of luck on Sunday! Race smart and have fun!
Hey D,Rock that course on Sunday!!!Thanks again for the plug,I will do my best.Hope to see ya out there,Cam.
Best of luck Darryl. You've trained hard, now just do what your good at! We'll be following at home for sure!
DARRYL! total bummer i haven't seen you guys yet. big hugs to both of you. love the photos! no comment on the 'flex' one, LOL. so awesome.
have a GREAT race out there tomorrow. i expect you will be finishing just as i head out on the run. tee hee.
stay present!
I know you are going to kick ass tommorow Darryl! Have a good race bro!
Watched your race splits on the web all day, and 100% of your Penner cousins were cheering you on. Congrats on another strong IM Darryl! Enjoy the break from training - you've trained at a torrid pace over the past while! Later buddy!
Awesome race buddy!
I am looking forward to hearing about your adventure. Nice are getting better at all 3 disciplines every race. Enjoy the down-time...recharge...then we can start training for IMCDA 2010.
Take care,
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